I decided to have the boys make a tri-blader (three blades) because it seemed more conducive to a beginner.
Project rating ='s easy to medium, only because it is a bit difficult cutting through cardboard
Start off by making a template for your tri-blader. The bottom straight edge of the design should be 1.5 inches across.
Now trace your blades on your cardboard; each blade must face the same direction.

Making sure each blade has 1.5 inch edge
After all three blades are traced, you should see an equilateral triangle in the center. Yes, there is geometry in boomerang making. I made sure to point this out to the boys and we talked about it for a couple of minutes.
The last step & most challenging aspect is to cut out the boomerang design.
To our fingers' delight, we made it through the cutting process. And to our heart's delight, the boomerangs actually worked. It is best to throw them at a 45 degree angle. I told the boys to imagine making a half circle when they got ready to throw. Ha, hubby got a little excited and one ended up on the roof. No worries though, the wind kindly returned it to us.
Next project will be painting our tri-bladers!
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