Ora et labora
~St. Benedict

Monday, December 27, 2010

Big T's Book Picks for December 2010

Sometimes it is a little difficult to keep up with my voracious reader.  It is not that he complains when he runs out of new books though.  As a matter of fact, he will go back and read all of his books over again.  I love his spirit and attitude about reading too, he is always excited to share tidbits about what he has read.  And my heart just melts when he decides to place his precious book aside in order to find me in the house, so he can include me in all the good parts.

Many of the books this month are light reads for Big T, but nevertheless, he enjoys them just the same.  The first book listed is something we stumbled upon by chance.  I was shopping in a small town and the author happened to be at the shop we visited.  She was a very sweet woman and kind enough to sign his book.

In no particular order:  Bo and the Christmas Bandit by Lynn Sheffield Simmons, Brer Rabbit collected stories by Joel Chandler Harris, Christmas Stories by Laura Ingalls Wilder, Christmas in Camelot by Mary Pope Osborne, The Fabled Fifth Graders of Aesop Elementary School by Candace Fleming, The Jesse Tree by Geraldine McCaughrean, and The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis

Christmas Stories and Brer Rabbit were great read "out louds" for Little T as well.

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